What we offer

Select Green Energy for Business Success and a Healthier Planet

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Geological Consultation

Practical solutions to your Geological challenges.

oil and gas

Petroleum Geochemistry

Welcome to Petroleum Geochemistry Consultancy!

Oil Industry

Unleashing the Power of Petroleum Geochemistry: Uncover the Hidden Insights for Successful Oil and Gas Operations.

think tank

Basin & Petroleum System Modelling

Unlock the Secrets of Hydrocarbon Potential: Accurate Basin & Petroleum System Modeling.

Basin Modelling

Basin Modelling for Optimal Exploration and Production Strategies.


Environmental Geochemistry

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Our Ecosystems for a Sustainable Future.


Site Characterization and Remediation.

Water and Soil Quality Assessment.

Air Quality Monitoring.

Risk Assessment and Management.

Environmental Impact Assessment.




Our hydrology services can empower you with actionable insights for efficient water resource management, resilient infrastructure planning, and sustainable development.

Hydrological Services

Watershed Assessment & Modeling.

Ground Water Resource Evaluation.

Flood Risk Assessment & Mitigation.

Water Quality Monitoring & Assessment.

Climate Change Impact Analysis.

Disaster Management

Disaster Mangement

We offer a comprehensive approach, considering all aspects of disaster management, from risk assessment to long-term recovery.


Risk Assessment and Planning.

Early Warning Systems.

Emergency Response Coordination.

Post-Disaster Recovery & Reconstruction.

Capacity Building and Training.


Geological & Geophysical Consulting Services

Our Geo-solutions and consultancy services are for everyone. 

Our ONLINE COurses

Make the Sustainable
Energy Choice for Business Success
and a Healthier Planet

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high angle shot lake quarry 181624

Mineral Exploration

We offer mineral exploration services. Including mining, resource estimating, geochemistry of minerals and Mapping.

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Introduction to GIS

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Remote Sensing of Earth

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Landslide Risk Analysis

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Land Deformation

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Water Resources

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Our Sectors

What We Offer



We are providing various products and services which would be helpful for both the Government and Private customers. We are providing professional advice and support for selecting the best crop varieties that could give more yield.


Get the best yield from your agricultural land.

Soil Survey

Drip Irrigation

Soil Quality Testing

Solar Energy Solutions



ICEE provides products and services that help in saving our resources from being abused, thereby allowing us to preserve this earth for present and future generations.


ICEE is an environmental protection enterprise integrating scientific research and making environmental protection laws and Policies

climate change

Climate Change

The Climate Change information and tool provide essential data to make informed decisions.

Climate Change

We offer Climate Change Advisory, Reporting and Climate data analysis services. This high-quality service allows you to learn the latest big data analysis, training and synthesis capabilities. 

food security

Food Security

ICEE is a Food Security Solution Provider; that helps to grow your business, values and opportunities by improving farm yields.

Food Security

ICEE strives to enhance food security and economic well-being of individuals and communities through increased crop productivity, improved availability of bioactive nutrients and enhanced conservation of the environment.


Disaster Management

We provide geospatial and geo-informatics services to protect lives, property, environment and infrastructure from disaster through integrated mapping, modelling, data analysis & reporting.

Disaster Management

DRR solutions for Government and Public to manage disasters sustainably.

  • Floods,
  • Earthquakes,
  • Landslides and
  • Glacier lake outburst flood





Geological Solutions offers a wide range of geological consulting, mapping and surveying services, including subsurface exploration and Geo-data analysis.


Sedimentology & Paleontology

Stratigraphy & Palynology

Petroleum Geoscience

Maps, Logs and 3D-Models



Geophysics Solutions include seismic and non-seismic investigations for geophysical exploration, mineral exploration, site characterization, research and development and exploration.


  1. GeoX-Solutions builds subsurface models to help you make informed decisions about your reservoir
  2. Resistivity Surveys for Groundwater Exploration
remote sensing

Remote Sensing & GIS

Geographic Information systems (GIS) solutions provider to the global minerals, mining, oil and gas industries. We offer a range of innovative solutions that empower our clients to work smarter, not harder.

Remote Sensing & GIS

ICEE is a leader in producing high-quality geological maps based on modern geophysical surveying methods and software. We are experts in the remote sensing and interpretation of airborne, ground-based and satellite imagery.


Hydrocarbon Exploration

Geological Solutions for Oil & Gas Industry. We deliver local knowledge and expertise in the exploration and development of Oil, Gas and Geothermal wells.

Hydrocarbon Exploration

Industry Leading Solutions for Well Logging, Geological & Petrophysics Data, Sedimentology & GIS Solutions.



Provide you with all kinds of web solutions, design and development at affordable prices whether you want to extend your existing WordPress website or create a new one for yourself.


Building, developing and designing have become more accessible than ever. Choose from one of our predesigned websites, or hire us to create a new site from scratch. Let us help you reach the next level.



ICEE is a mineral exploration and mapping solution. We provide the latest technological solutions and services to the mining exploration and mapping industries.


ICE Engineering Group provides end-to-end mapping solutions for mineral exploration and development, E&P and mining companies. Our services include field mapping, airborne geophysical surveys, sample collection, data processing and interpretation of geoscience information.

water resources

Water Resources

ICEE provides the best Water Resource Management solutions and practices using data, conservation awareness and field surveys to improve water resource reserves.

Water Resources

Drilling boreholes

Resistivity Survey for GW exploration

Water Quality

Rainwater Harvesting Solutions

Our Pricing

Flexible Pricing Plans

Our Packages details are suitable and flexible. 


Great for Individual Users
$ 100
/ Week
Core Features
Free Consultancy
7 Days Work Plan
Unlimited Revisions
Source Files


Great for Corporates
$ 500
/ Week
Core Features
Free Consultancy
Daily Progress Report
Unlimited Revisions
Unlimited Revisions
Source Files
Best Offer


Great for Companies
$ 250
/ Week
Core Features
Free Consultancy
1 Progress report
10 Revisions
Source Files

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51 Hassan Abdal Punjab, PK 43730


+92 (313) 523-7738

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